"...When I woke up, the doctor was stitching my stomach. I started screaming, I knew I had been sterilised."


 With this project, it will be our intention to focus on the theme of the forced sterilization on women belonging to the poorest classes in Perù during the years of the presidency of Alberto Fujimori.

It is important to note that in 1990 the President Alberto Fujimori didn’t eradicate the Government by means of a coup, but thanks to the help of entrepreneurs from the marginal sectors of Peruvian society. After his Fujishock, by which he changed the country's microeconomic policy causing a hyperinflation, he was accused not only of being aware of the work of Grupo Colina but also of supporting it both politically and economically. Given the lack of cooperation and the intransigence of the Parliament, in April 1992, Fujimori and the military carried out a constitutional forcing that was the forerunner of the true autogolpe (or Fujigolpe), dissolving the Parliament itself. Problems starting in 1995, during his second amendment when he introduced the sterilization program, which violeted human rights.